Love Stones
Hi Friends it has been a while since my last post but if you have been to my little boutique in the last few weeks you would have seen a "New Look".... Rocks Revealed.
It was just time for it to be updated and a little bit more user friendly... so please pop over and check it out... I would love to hear your comments on the new site.
I have been working on new designs and here are a few... many of the ones I have been working on are the Heart stones............ everytime I work with these stones, they open my heart and allow beautiful love to enter my life, it is indeed a privilege to be able to absorb the beautiful energy of these stones.

Rose Quartz and Aventurine are known as the love stones... They are both stones of the heart. Rose Quartz works on the emotions, balancing and harmonising with its gentle and calming influence to heal emotional wounds, The soothing influences of Rose quartz helps aid in letting go and releasing negative emotions...Aventurine is a lovely stone to wear over the heart as its protective qualities will ward of anxiety and fear. It balances the male and female aspects, leading to a sense of well being and decisiveness. A good stone to motivate and encourage positive attitudes. Both stones are a beautiful gift to give someone you love and can be especially helpful to young teenagers as they come to terms with their awakening and changing emotions.
Beautiful jewellery from the heart made by Louise.
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