I thought I would start a discussion on "LOTIONS AND POTIONS"
We all know that the laying- on of stones is a very ancient art and we are all discovering that many of the spiritual practices have sadly been lost.. so I thought why not share some knowledge on what I have come to learn on the healing qualities that many stones have been used for... feel free to add what you know or has been passed down to you.
Having studied the Shamanistic Ways, I believe in crystals and stones and there healing powers.. in the past they were often use medicinally, crushed into grains or powders, made into elixirs .... stones steeped in liquid and the liquid then drank.
*Amber was made into an ointment and used to treat coughs and bronchitis.
*Agate was ground and mixed with wine to heal wounds.
*Aquamarine was prescribed as a cure for toothache, epilepsy and liver disease.
*Emerald was taken as an antidote to poison and to stop dysentery.
*Bloodstone was used to stop hemorrhaging.
*Hematite was favored in ancient Egypt to stop heavy bleeding and reduce swelling.
*Jade used by the Chinese to strengthen the heart and lungs and to prolong life. Mixed with rice and dew, it was taken to strengthen the muscles and harden bones.
*Lapis Lazuli was used by the ancient Egyptians in the making of eye ointments and the Greeks used it to treat snake bites.. later a cure for fever and depression.
*Sapphires has been used in the treatment of eye diseases and the plague.
*Topaz was steeped into wine for three days and rubbed across the eyes to cure poor vision.
Experts from the magic of Crystals by W & B Jones.
These are just a few... we can add to the list as we go.... it would be interesting to check certain stones against your birthstones or zodiac stone to see if the stone matches up with an ailment....
it could be interesting to get some stats on this..
.......lets see what the rocks reveal!
.......Feel free to share....
The Rock Revealer. :)
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