From the desk of the Rock Revealer..

We are all on this "train ride" together, Above All we should strive to make the ride as pleasant and memorable as we can, right up until we make the final stop and leave the train for the last time. FOR ALL OF YOU NOW, YOU ARE PART OF MY TRAIN, So I am wishing you a nice journey. Lou.


Would love to meet you and hear your comments......
The Rock Revealer

Monday, November 2, 2009


They call this rock 'Rose Red' and they are right. Its colours are as diverse as the Rose in your garden.... From the Palest Pink Blush to the Blood Red Rose Bud.... and with it, comes Black veins woven through the stone. I have found this a beautiful stone of contrast.

... and found in our own back yard... Moombie, Tamworth, Australia.

A stone of wisdom, born from the understanding of emotions. The lessons of finding strength in your own personality to get over come things, finding the strength to let go when needed.....

the lesson being... if you cannot let go, you cannot go anywhere.. you are stuck, unable to grow.

The realization of Spirit.... you are a "spirit being" with a personality you wear as makeup....

In working with this stone the bright pink gave me a feeling one could have a passionate love that is grounded. It is one of the heart stones which would promote unconditional love for mankind.

Since illness in the body is believed to start as tension in the mind, Rhodonite has a very calming, warm and nurturing feel about it.

All indications suggest that Rhodonite is a wound healer, a stone for injuries, bleeding wounds and insect bites, strengthens muscles. heart and circulation and helps with Autoimmune diseases and with stomach ulcers......

Defiantly a stone needed around the home.

...and here are a few pictures of the pieces of jewellery that I have been creating and are available at and you can join in our discussions on the rocks forum with our resident Gemmologist Jeanette Stein.

I hope you can share with us here at Rocks your stories of stones and what they mean in your life.

The Rock Revealer